
Our Favorite SEO Audit Tools

Curated directory of tools & resources to help you grow your business.
Semrush homepage screenshot


Semrush is one of those services that has been around forever. But rather than stagnate, there has been continual improvements

Lighthouse Google Developers page

Chrome Lighthouse

In Google’s words, Lighthouse is a “an open-source, automated tool for improving the quality of web pages.” I wouldn’t say it

Chrome DevTools screenshot

Chrome DevTools

Chrome DevTools is on many web developers & designers list of top used tools. Just click F12 when Chrome is open

Screaming Frog homepage

Screaming Frog

Crawl your site and get a very detailed look at how your pages will be seen by search engines using homepage


Test your website’s performance from different locations, devices and connection speeds. Get detailed results about load times, time to first

GTmetrix homepage


Test your site speed and find opportunities for performance improvements. The test gives you both Google Pagespeed and Yahoo YSlow homepage


What we like: You get relatively detailed optimization recommendations in a matter of a minute or less. Everything from SEO homepage


Quickly run a scan of your website to uncover issues with SEO, Usability, Performance, Social Media and Security. What we